Wednesday, October 16, 2013

characters that would be friends if they could be

Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights) and Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
Think about it.  Really think about what it would be like if these two cocky yet lovable assholes were friends.  Man, the hearts (and probably a fair share of valuable objects) they’d break.  These guys are lazy, self-interested shit heads that it’s ridiculously hard not to root for.  If they teamed up, it would be beautiful anarchy.  Riggins would smile his way into any bar, club, or hot girl’s apartment without a second’s hesitation, and Lip has a way with words that can confuse any cop, gang banger, or parental figure in town.  Together: unstoppable… primarily because they’d compliment each other so well; both love the ladies (though Riggins seems to have a better eye spotting the sane ones), both enjoy a beer or six, and both believe in the importance of loyalty.  Riggins will do anything, and I do mean anything, to protect the select few he’ll admit to caring about, and Lip, well one episode will show you how much his family means to him – they’re all he’s got.  The scary part in both cases is that as far as these two are concerned, they’ve got nothing to lose, so they have no qualms when it comes to breaking the law or breaking your face. 
Most importantly, these two value respect, giving it and getting it.  And because of this alone, they’d be able to form a quick bond based solely on drinking and mutual appreciation.  Only major issue: they’re townies and their towns are nowhere near each other.  Riggins was barely able to survive a few hours outside of Dillon and Lip has made it perfectly clear that he has no desire to leave Chicago. 

Caroline (The Vampire Diaries) and Brooke (One Tree Hill)

The drama these two would cause.  Only downside to their instant BFF-ship is that there might be too much energy?  Their best friends on their respective shows are pretty glum, to be honest.  Elena and Bonnie spend most of their time moping and trying to save the world, while Peyton is hell bent on sketching her pain away.  Perhaps Caroline and Brooke benefit from the lackluster bestie because it allows them to shine.  NO.  I think these girls need a fun-buddy.  Think about how much time they spend begging others to join them in goofy shenanigans?  That wouldn’t happen when the other girl is already halfway there.  Wait.  But what if they fall for the same guy?  Won’t happen.  These two are loyal above all else and follow girl-code to a fault.  It’s their friends that seem to view the rules as a bit murky.  Caroline and Brooke wouldn’t need anyone else once they had each other.
And watching them would be more fun as well.  In fact, even if Caroline is a vampire in this scenario, I STILL think they’d get along famously.  Brooke isn’t one to judge (much), and she’d find ways to benefit from her girlfriend’s superpowers.  Or she may just turn into one herself.  Yet another upside?  They live pretty close together: Virginia and North Carolina.  Plus, they’re both cheerleaders and community activists.  The more I talk about it, the more I’m convinced this is a match made in friendship heaven.

Jax (Sons of Anarchy) and Elijah (The Originals)
This one may seem unlikely, but give me a second to explain.  Honor.  There I’m done.
I am so funny.  No but really, honor is the cornerstone of morality for these two.  Their word is everything and (unless tested by family), they’ll follow through.  Their code of ethics may be questionable,  but they don’t waver from that, which is the true difference between them and everyone else.  Jax is constantly battling his motorcycle club about what decisions to make (and they're far from arguing about right and wrong) and Elijah is at war with his brother daily (who never cared about right or wrong), so both men have made peace with their own moral compass.  They allow that to guide them and rarely second guess themselves.  I think they would be great friends, but not great partners.  Neither of them are great at being number two, though both are spectacula r at cleaning up other people's messes.  While their worlds have little in common, I can picture them getting together at the end of the day and helping each other navigate their respective problems.  Eljah would definitely have some experience that could help Jax handle all his inner-club drama and I think Jax would be able to assist Elijah as well, he HAS death with his fair share of psychotic killers.  Above all else, these two value the bond of family and will destroy anything that threatens to take that away from them.

Penny (The Big Bang Theory) and Rachel (Friends)

I think it's their general naiveté that would connect these two.  They're both quick to trust and don't question when others like them.  Penny and Rachel both have an inner spunk that you wouldn't expect, but they can throw down when they have to.  The fact that they come from such different backgrounds would only make their relationship more interesting because they could learn from each other and both of them take a kind interest in those around them.  Surprisingly, the only complication may come from their taste in men.  Both women fell for the nerdy, sweet type, which is funny considering they're shallow in every other aspect of their lives.  I mean, can't you imagine these two going on a shopping spree together?  No one would be
keeping them in check, so they'd probably buy half the store.  They wouldn't give each other crap for their terrible driving on the way over either.  Really these two have an insane amount in common but because they're both so a) likable and b) seem to like everyone else, I don't think it would be a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I never would've guessed Penny and Rachel, but its spot on!
