Wednesday, July 31, 2013

netflix suggested it so i had no choice

So I saw this weird movie yesterday because Netflix kept recommending it to me and eventually, we all give in to Netflix suggestions.  Even if only to prove them wrong.  Though they're usually right and I usually find the movie fascinating if not good.  I thought this one was particularly interesting because it took a whole new look at romantic relationships.  The movie was called TiMer, and while I enjoyed myself as I watched it, I don't know that I'd recommend it.  Though if you are interested, stop reading, because I'm not holding anything back.

Here we go.

"When will you find the one?"  Well, in the universe created in this film, they can tell you down to the DAY when you'll meet your soul mate.  That's right.  I said soul mate.  They're scientifically proven to be real and you can get a Timer implanted into your wrist that will count down until the day you'll meet "the one."  Unless, as is the case for our protagonist Oona, your soul mate doesn't buy into the whole thing and hasn't gotten a Timer, in which case it's blank.  It's a commonly discussed topic, to get a Timer or not to get a Timer.  Most people get them the moment they can at the age of 14, but a select few think it's an absurd concept and bow out.

Oona just has to wait until her Timer begins to count down and, in the meantime, she meets an ADORABLE cashier that's quite a bit younger than her but finds her enchanting.  His Timer gives him four months, so Oona is hesitant until she can't ignore her lust anymore and they fall into bed.  You guys, this relationship is the cutest thing ever. 

Look at them:

They really get to know each other and Oona relaxes into it, despite the fact that there's an end date.  There's nothing to worry about since she already knows he'll leave one day.  But WAIT.  His timer is a fake.  What.  He doesn't actually believe in any of it.  He thinks it shouldn't matter, if you're in love, you're in love, what does it matter if a piece of plastic imbedded in your arm agrees?  Good point, Mikey, but the movie is about soul mates so see ya never.

They break up.

While all this juiciness was happening, Oona's sister (Steph), who's Timer tells her she won't meet the man of her dreams until she's 43, is biding her time with one night stand after one night stand.  They're fun and all, but she's not fulfilled until she meets Dan.  He's cute and nice, and get this, ALSO doesn't believe in Timers.  He's been madly in love once before and neither of them had Timers.  She passed away and he doesn't want to know whether or not they were "meant to be." 

SO. Oona isn't telling her sister about Mikey and her sister isn't telling her about Dan because they're both seeing Timerless guys, and that's just unacceptable.

Finally, these two women decide this just isn't worth is.  They like the guys they're with and they're better off not knowing so they go to get them removed.  Steph goes through with it, but right as Oona is about to get hers taken off - it begins to count down: 5 hours.  5 HOURS?!  That means she's going to meet the guy the next day.  She can't take it off now.  Are you crazy?  Forget the fact that she has a boyfriend she's crazy about, her soul mate will walk into her life tomorrow.

Tomorrow just happens to be the day of the girls' birthday party and both Dan and Mikey are there.  Steph shows up and wouldn't you know, Dan got a Timer.  And they're meant to be.

THIS is when the movie gets unbelievable for me.  The soul mate Timer I can get on board with.  But this part... what's coming up, I just don't accept.

Let's break this down.

This is Oona.

and Mikey is IN LOVE with her.

And Oona, if only she could admit it, is in love with him, too. 

Here's Steph:

She's definitely got a real thing for Dan...

And he only got the Timer in hopes it would prove he was meant to be with Steph. 

But no.

So I'm sitting there HOPING the moral of this story is fuck the Timer.  Soul mates aren't real, there is no ONE person.  Everyone has a myriad of people and when you find someone you love and connect with, screw everyone else.  It only matters that you're happy.  Ignoring all that... if Oona chooses to forgo her relationship with Mikey, she'll crush him for a guy she doesn't even know, and that incidentally, her sister is in love with.

What does she do, you ask?  Well, if you can't tell from my tone, SHE PICKS DAN.

Bullshit.  Such bullshit.

Soul mates are real and love is irrelevant.  That's what this movie just taught me.

And this... okay because a Timer said so.

Netflix strikes again.

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