Thursday, August 1, 2013

characters i'm supposed to care about but don't

This post may get a little controversial, but stickwith me.  Or just scroll past the bits you disagree with.  Or read them and tell me how wrong I am.  Any option is okay with me.

So you know how you'll be watching a show and there's a storyline you're interested in with all your favorite characters and you're totally feeling it and then they cut and make you watch some idiot do something stupid that you don't care about at all?  ME TOO.  Weird.

While there are often plots I don't care about, more frustrating are characters I don't care about because they never go away.  Stories can change but main characters are forever.  Until they die, and even then, depending on the shows' genre, they might STILL be around.

This is the controversial part... I'm going to list some of the characters I care the least about.  And you're supposed to be invested in these people... but I'm not.  Sorry not sorry.

(These are in no specific order.. and... spoiler alert):

Bonnie (The Vampire Diaries)

This girl.  I don't care.  She's the main character's best friend.  I guess.  Though is she really?  Because the show is about Elena and the Salvatore brothers.  Both of whom are her love interests and "friends," so she doesn't even talk to Bonnie anymore.  And I'm all for girl power and sisterly bonds, but that's not what I watch this show for (there are plenty of great female characters anyway).  Bonnie's just... ugh.  She's a witch and goes through phases of loving it then hating it then going a little insane and becoming evil, only to ruin everything then cry and apologize.  And I swear they've killed her grandmother like three times.  Because it's a supernatural show, she'll keep appearing to Bonnie, but then, because she's dead, she'll leave again and Bonnie will get all upset.  I'm starting to sound heartless.  That's a horrible moment to have to relive, but I don't care about her happiness.  She exhausts me.
Why I should care: She's Elena and Caroline's best friend, she's Jeremy's main love interest, and her life is pretty terrible.  Her mom abandoned her and her dad is creepy.  People keep using her for her powers.  She's always stuck in the midst of this vampire drama that she can't get away from even though she isn't actually involved.  SHE LITERALLY DIES to save the rest of the idiots on the show.
Why I don't care: She's super annoying.  And whiney.  And stupid.  And boring.  And look at her face.  Bonnie.  Stop.
Curtis (Misfits)
Most people haven't seen this show.  It's British and amazing so shame on you.  Though if you indulge, I'm sure you'll agree that Curtis is unnecessary.  Though his power is awesome, it only kind of matters.  He's just... normal.  He's not as funny or weird as Nathan, he's not as hot or broken as Alisha, he's not as unique as Simon, and he's not as raunchy as Kelly.  If they were real people, this would all be even bitchier to say plus, I'd probably like how standard he is.  Though as a character, his moral compass and duty to please are draining.
Why I should care: Curtis is part of the original Misfits group and saves the day more than once.  He dates one of the main characters and loses people close to him.  There's nothing inherently unlikable about him.
Why I don't care: I'm just uninterested and everyone else is superior.
Ted (How I Met Your Mother)

First of all, he has this look on his face too often for my taste.  Not that you can't be emotional, but my God, man... pull yourself together.  At this point, I'm just waiting for him to tell his kids he didn't meet their mother at all and adopted them when they were babies.  All his friends are funny and interesting and he's so blah.  No wonder no one dates him, he's overly emotional, super invested too quickly, and pretty self absorbed.  He rarely does anything for anyone else and if he does he wants the credit... he's in his 30s.  This is getting stupid now.  Also, leave Robin alone.  Barney asked your permission before and at this point you've been broken up forever.  Plus, they're in love and you're lame so let her go.  Again, I'm getting rude.
Why I should care: Ted is the main character of a lovable show.  He's taking the time to tell his children the story of how he met their mother.  A hopeless romantic, he's always doing whatever he can to sweep a woman off her feet.  He helps his friends love lives (well, Marshall and Lily's) whenever it needs assisting.
Why I don't care: The other characters are vastly more interesting and he's dumb.

Annie (Covert Affairs)

Annie, Annie, Annie.  She just... I don't... The show is about her, and I don't care about anything that involves her (don't ask me why I kept watching).  It's like she tries too hard or something.  I feel like she wants me to care, so I can't.  The more she cares, the more I don't, and her whole shtick is caring too much so it's a real problem.  Most of the other characters are just as bland, except for Auggie (you caught me, that's why I keep watching).  And when he cares about her, I'm able to see her appeal.  It's a bizarre dynamic.  In the current season, I find her much more bearable... I wonder if that's because she's finally dating Auggie.  Huh.
Why I should care: Um, Annie is the main character.  And this is not an ensemble show.  It's all Annie all the time.  There's not really any other reason to watch this show (Auggie).  She cares a lot about others and is strong and brave.  She's a fighter and can be really sweet.  Her whole life is dedicated to saving the nation.
Why I don't care: ...I really don't know.
Emily (Pretty Little Liars)

I almost listed all four of the girls from PLL, but I guess I do like Aria and Hannah.  Emily is just very woe-is-me.  Which I guess isn't true anymore, she got tougher.  There's just something about her face.  It's always so serious.  Smile, bitch.  I know you're being constantly tormented but c'mon.  I don't think she's ever been happy.  Except for that split second her dad came home and they hugged.  Otherwise, nothing.  She just needs to get over herself.  Or change completely as a character because the way she is now is quite bland.  At least Spencer is some kind of genius and Aria is alternative and dating a teacher and Hannah is a hilarious fashionista.  Emily is gay, but that shouldn't be her defining quality.  I guess she's a swimmer but that only comes up when they can get a plot point out of it.  I just think she could have more oomph.
Why I should care: She's a sweetheart and really grew up when she needed to.  These four girls are bonded together for life and she's one of them.  Em should at least get the sympathy vote since her dad is always abroad and a car drove through her house.
Why I don't: Plain and simple: she's boring.


Hope I didn't offend anyone.  And to be clear, I ripped these characters apart because they're characters... not people.  And yes, I understand the difference.

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